Friday, June 10, 2011

Promoted to Second Grade!

Josh rushed in the door after his last day of first grade today to make sure of one thing: that the "promoted to second grade" box was checked on his report card. We didn't realize there was any question on this!

This has been an outstanding year for Josh. He received the highest marks in all areas on his report card, including the troublesome "takes care of materials" (i.e. keeps his desk clean) category that has plagued him since his first year of kindergarten. We're so proud of how he's progressed, and even though there is still a lot of work to be done, it has been great to see him finally coming into his own.

He was really sad when he got off the bus today, although not because I accosted him with the camera! His teacher, Ms. Bean, is leaving Charlotte this summer to pursue her PhD at UNC Chapel Hill, and Josh had a hard time saying goodbye to her today. Luckily, I'm always happy to take a road trip to Chapel Hill, so we've made plans already to take Ms. Bean out to dinner in the fall.

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