Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Best News

I just returned from Josh's end-of-the-year IEP meeting (individualized education plan), which involved two therapists and three teachers who work with him at school. We meet biannually to discuss Josh's progress and draw up agreements on how many services Josh will receive from the school system because he is classified as "disabled."

My single goal this year was to get Josh into a regular classroom fulltime. This year he has been pulled out of his classroom for two hours every morning to work one-on-one with resource teachers.

Today, all five teachers said they couldn't believe how much Josh has progressed in the last few weeks. They pulled out examples of his writing and drawing that are unbelievably better than what he was doing at the beginning of the year. And best of all, they all recommended that next year he receive minimal services, which means he will be a normal student.

Josh will be repeating kindergarten, even though he is academically ready to move on in most areas. We felt like this would put him with kids his age (he's 5 1/2 and there are 7 year olds in his class now) and give him a chance to develop socially because he won't have to focus on academics.

Finally, all the therapy, chiropractic visits, restricted diet, vitamins and everything else we spend so much time and money on is paying off. I just wanted Josh to be mainstreamed at school without having to put him on medication. I can't believe it has actually happened.

As for Josh's improved writing skills, here's a sign he posted on my office door today. He still needs some work in the brotherly love department.


corinne said...

Yay!!!! Congrats to Josh!! And congrats to you and Chris, Marty - you've done such a great job and worked so very hard for Josh's success, too!! Applause and brownies and special cakes all around :).

Aunt Amy said...

What a great report! Ditto to Corinne's comments. You guys are amazing parents!