Sunday, February 15, 2009

On the Road

After this very cold winter, we have a new appreciation for mild weather and now head outside at every opportunity. Josh has been very eager to ride his bike this year, so we drag it out of the garage almost every day. We've learned that kids with Josh's issues have an unusually hard time learning to ride a bike, so I've been very proud that this year Josh can steer and pedal at the same time and is enjoying himself on the bike.

He doesn't however, enjoy being photographed while biking. Here he is telling me there is a Christmas tree behind me that I should take a picture of.

Molly has been trying out Josh's old tricycle, which she seem to enjoy. She especially likes the "trunk," where she can put her milk and her helmet when she gets tired of wearing it.

1 comment:

Tim Murray said...

Storing her milk-- love it!