Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Leaf Problem

After much procrastination, we took a stab at the growing carpet of leaves on our front lawn. The task of picking them all seems so insurmountable that we wonder why we even try! Our current plan is to rake the remaining leaves into a big pile in the backyard and hope they magically turn into compost.

Josh and Molly dove right into the piles of leaves. At least someone enjoys this fall tradition!

I took this picture of Molly at church this morning because her outfit matched the advent altar cloths (in the background) perfectly. Just for the record, I took this picture long before church started. We don't let the kids play shoeless on the altar during church!

Josh was a very reluctant shepherd in a Sunday School nativity project today. Here he is swinging a stuffed sheep over his head in the group photo. So much for biblical accuracy.

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