Sunday, November 23, 2008

Our "little angel"

We frequently are told that Molly looks like a "little angel" when we take her out in public, I'm guessing because of the puffy blond hair. I usually try not to laugh when people make those comments, as her behavior is anything by angelic. If they only knew!

Today we all went out in the backyard in the late afternoon, and Chris and I got occupied cleaning up some boxes from the construction while Josh and Molly played. I looked up once and saw that Molly had gone in the house. When I tried to open the door, it was locked--she had somehow managed to turn the little knob on the door. I tried not to panic--our neighbor has a key and two of their three cars were in the driveway. Unfortunately, they apparently had all gone out in the third car. I tried to get Molly to turn the knob, and she got so frustrated that she laid down on the kitchen floor and threw a 15-minute tantrum.

Chris went to another neighbor's to call Emily, who also has a key, but I knew she was out visiting a friend. Luckily (Molly had now moved her tantrum to Josh's room and was clearly not going to try to open the door again) this neighbor was able to break into our house using a putty knife in about 10 seconds. We were relieved to get back in, but not so relieved to know how easy it is to break into the house.

Here are some more pre-lockout pictures:

1 comment:

corinne said...

Upon seeing the title of this post, I was a bit fearful of looking at the pictures, envisioning a repeat of last year's "angel" photo :). But maybe it's still to come? Although Molly certainly doesn't need any costumey accoutrements to look sweet and adorable!

p.s. The house looks beautiful!