Friday, October 31, 2008

Don't Laugh

Josh really wanted to be The Cat in the Hat for Halloween this year, so we decided to make it a family affair and all dress up like characters from the story. That meant Chris and I had to suck it up and look silly as Thing 1 and Thing 2. I don't know how people talked to us tonight with a straight face.

We had a great time at our friends' Halloween party. Josh spent most of his time in the bounce house, and Molly wandered around looking for candy.

Molly was a goldfish, not a chicken.

Chris has some help this year in the adult vs. kids Tug-of-War, which Chris says they let the kids win. While everyone was watching the game, Molly sneaked some candy from the prize bags.


Fifi said...

i love it! you guys are awesome. and in the last photo, i think it's hilarious how there's beer bottle propped next to the Coach bag. Classy. :)

Marty said...

Last year Molly tried to drink a neighbor's Corona at the Halloween party--we're all about class here!

Anonymous said...

awesome! How did you decide who got to be Thing #1 and who had to be Thing #2?


Anonymous said...

Are those wigs Carolina blue? Maybe you can recycle them for the upcoming season. - Amy