Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Mother's Day?

I was treated to some very interesting events at the kids' school this year for Mother's Day. The week began with a "Mom's Salon" at Molly's preschool, where we got our nails painted... by 5 year olds. As you'll notice, I have blue glitter nail polish on my right hand and (thankfully) a lighter shade on my other hand. I removed the polish that night, and Molly couldn't understand why!

Josh's class held a "Poetry Breakfast," where all of the kids read aloud poems they had written for their moms. I was a ball of nerves waiting for Josh's turn. Creativity is not really his thing, and I could only imagine what kind of crazy stuff he might have said about me in a poem! Thankfully, his poem was pretty tame and didn't contain lines like "You're my mother/I'm glad you're not my brother" like some other poems did!

The poetry reading was following by a smorgasbord of donuts and cookies. I'm sure the teacher enjoyed herding a bunch of sugared-up kids for the rest of the day!

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