Friday, July 16, 2010

Josh and Muggsy

Josh just finished a week at Muggsy Bogue's basketball camp, which Muggsy runs at a nearby sports center. Muggsy is only 5'3", so as you can imagine it was pretty shocking to stand next to a former NBA star who is almost half a foot shorter than me!

Josh learned some basketball fundamentals this week, and I was very happy to see him shooting the ball properly today, as opposed to his usual underhand shot. Josh was one of the youngest kids there, so he was elimated early from today's final game of "knock-out" and apparently spent his free time in the autograph line. He came home today with Muggsy's name on two t-shirts and one of his shoes.

Here are some photos of Josh and Molly as we were leaving camp today. Molly is giving me "the eye" in the last one.

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