Josh was beside himself today when a gigantic flatbed truck pulled into our cul-de-sac and dropped off this little Bobcat in our front yard. He was a little distressed when the contractors used it to tear down a trellis behind our house, but after he recovered he cheered the Bobcat on as it dug the footers for our addition.
Josh has recently become very interested in his hair. Last week he told me daily that his hair was too long and he needed it cut (those of you who have experienced Josh's earliest haircuts know how shocking this statement is). This week, he has taken to admiring Molly's hair, and now he tells me several times a day he wants his hair to be curly too.
Curly hair is not a stretch in our family. Chris sported quite a 'fro in his younger years, and I had no trouble achieving a full Farrah Fawcett feather (as many of you have recently seen on Facebook) back in the day. Josh, however, has not been graced with the curly gene, and his hair is a little puffy at best. I'm afraid that short of a perm, his longing for curls is going to be unrequited. But really, who wouldn't want hair that could do this?
I worked on a story today about the first restaurant in a town I cover that has gotten a license to serve beer and wine, so we all went to the restaurant for dinner. Molly approved of the new wine list, and everyone approved of the pizza and baked ziti. I think we'll eat here again when I'm off the clock!
So we're staying inside trying to entertain ourselves. Here are Josh and Molly lounging on the couch today for a showing of "The Cat in the Hat" and picking marshmallows out of bowls of Lucky Charms. It doesn't get much more exciting than this!